I’m Taking Action

It’s only Week 14 of 22’ and I already feel like I’m experiencing a years worth of growth since January 1st. The experiences I’ve been having, the lessons I’ve been learning, the knowledge I’ve been acquiring, and I think what’s most important is the action that I’ve been taking. Actually when I think about it, that may be the difference. I am taking more action and figuring it out as I go.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to confuse the action I am talking about. When I take I action, or set my mind to a task, it is a very methodical and articulate process. There’s an old saying that goes something like measure twice and cut once. I used to normally measure six times and cut twice to make sure the cut is perfect. I had to realize that is flawed. Now I would say I measure three times and cut once which basically means I still do my due diligence before taking action, however I’m not taking the same amount of time to do it. I no longer question or second guess what I am doing. A large part of this is probably because my relationship with time is always changing.

Even from the time when I recorded Episode 6 My Relationship With Time it has changed. That’s mainly due to the loss of my Grandfather. It’s been 32 weeks and 2 days since I lost him and ever since that day, it made me realize how precious time is and how essential it is to not be wasted on second guessing action.

He always used to ask me, “Hey Mike, when’s that next episode of your podcast coming out?” and my reply would always be “Grandpa Im working on it, I have a bunch of content and ideas just not sure how to put it out”. Him knowing the prefect thing to say at any moment would always respond, “I know your figuring it out but the world needs to hear. I do too, so let me know when you release your new episode!" and then we would both laugh. God do I miss that man and it makes me smile to even think about all the moments we had. Which leads me back into using the moments you have and not waiting!

If I had not waited to take action, my Grandpa would have been able to hear more than the 9 episodes of my podcast that he did. I don’t say that and use it to beat myself up, I use that as a perspective shift. An ignition to my self-motivation. In my head it’s not a “You missed out on that so sulk in your feelings”, it’s a “Next time you see an opportunity you better not let it slip”.

I can’t explain why that specific life event did it for me, but it did. It also may not solely be my Grandfathers passing it could be a culmination of things. Regardless of what caused it, I am just glad that I am taking more action. I feel so much better about myself and I hope that you can pick today to take action as well! Keep chasing those millions!


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