Week 44
The universe has a funny way of working out. It’s Week 44, and the number 4 has a significant meaning. The angel number 4 signifies safety, support, and stability from our ancestors. That’s a fitting number for what this week in the year means to me in this current state. I have not felt more prepared to execute my goals in a week in my most recent years of recollection. To put that in perspective, I have been tracking my goals since 2016. I finally believe that I have crafted a method that works for me. I am elated to execute more than anything really. If I can achieve what I know I will, I will be able to help birth a brand that will help anyone grow. When you have a plan, how can you truly fail?
My life has felt out of balance since I lost my Grandfather in August of 2021. In retrospect, the Covid 2020 pandemic also probably took its toll on my mentee. Trauma looks different for everyone and for me it took a while for me to identify the true effect it took on me. The events of the past 14 months have positioned me in peculiar mental state. The only thing that can stop me, is me. I know you feel that statement! How can you not? I’ve really come to the realization, that we are our only limitations. If you can dream a dream, put it on paper, and create a plan to achieve it… the probability of failure diminishes profusely. Im so excited to share all my knowledge with you all. Let’s get into this weeks MAC’s Map Of The Week.
“ But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop”
-Luke 8:15 (New International Version)
Every Sunday I want to give a scripture that will help you throughout the week. I also want to give some perspective due to the fact that not everyone is a reader of the Bible. Just a disclaimer, I always advise people to go and read not only the Bible but all books on faith (Quran, Torah, Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Etc.). Any book of faith can be very intimidating if you don’t understand it. These books have been rewritten so many times, so they can definitely have different meanings to different people. What can’t be denied is that there is power and value in the words in the Bible. Luke 8:15 is when Jesus is talking to his disciples and explaining a parable. A parable is just another word for a story. So in the parable, Jesus explained how 3 seeds fell in different areas and only one of them actually produced a crop, which means it grew into something. That was the seed that fell on good soil. His disciples didn’t understand why that seed was the one that actually grew into something. That’s when Jesus explains that the it bassically just an analogy for a person who has a good heart, who takes information, and uses it without letting barriers stop them. The seed is essentially an idea or thought while the soil represents your decisions. To make it good soil you need to grow your knowledge and surround yourself with other good people (good soil). The decisions you make ultimately lead to the fruit that comes from the seeds God has given you. There is no doubt it will turn into something great! You just have to use all the information and experiences life offers, surround yourself with likeminded people, and never quit!
For some reason the rest of the blog post deleted so head over to Week 45 to see how the MAC’s Map of the Week blog post is supposed to look.